We are currently working with our employees at 2 locations to provide new products and services to our customers.

In the short term, we are expanding our production facilities in Germany to include a further production site to fulfill the requirements of our customers in a more customized manner.

Head Office Recklinghausen
Specialized in medical products

camitec GmbH
Maria-von-Linden-Straße 17
D-45665 Recklinghausen

Phone: +49 2361 – 950 06 40
Fax: +49 2361 – 950 06 42
Email: service@camitec.de

Office hours
Monday to Friday:
8 am – 4:30 pm

Neuss branch
From January 1st, 2023 Specialized in industrial products

camitec GmbH
Borsigstrasse 13-15
D-41469 Neuss

Phone: +49 2137 – 943 04 0
Fax: +49 2361 – 950 06 42
Email: service@camitec.de

Office hours
Monday to Friday:
8 am – 4:30 pm

China branch
Specialized in products for the medical and industrial sectors

Ec Camitec Autoparts (Nantong) Co. , Ltd.
Contact Person: Mr.Zhenfei Yu
3061 Jintong Road, Xingren Technologies Development Zone, Tongzhou District
Postal Code: 226300
City/Town: Nantong
Province/State: Jiangsu
Country/Region: China

Phone.: 86-513-86613266
Fax: 86-513-86613309
Web: www.ec-camitec.net


Our team of specialists is on hand to advise you.